Saturday, January 29, 2011

Referral Reward Program

Most of my clients are in a business of some sort, and their collective experience and knowledge is too much to fathom.

In addition, most are aware of the rising cost of marketing and advertising, with today's new mediums expanding and becoming more lucrative for those being advertised with. However, the return on the investment for these campaigns are minimal at best, and it has routinely frustrated many a business owner.

That being said, what continues to be my most effective marketing and advertising is currently reading this blog post.


Yes, word-of-mouth has been, and will continue to be my best asset, and this one sentence should persuade your friends:

'I went from training in a 44,000 square foot facility including spa, kids club, group fitness, shop, juice bar, and every piece of cardio equipment known to man and woman-kind, to training with Coach Kev in a (literally) 130 square foot facility with only the necessary equipment, mindset and attention to detail that can be paid by an expert in his field.'

At 27, I will humbly proclaim that I have not had a job as a personal trainer, ever. Who I was, who I am, and who I will be, for years to come, is Coach Kev. However, I cannot be successful without your dedication to your own fitness and conditioning, in addition to your referrals.

Coach Kev’s Referral Reward Program

“Word of Mouth” marketing is still the best type of marketing. And frankly, I’d rather reward you for sending me new clients than spend all my money on radio, facebook, magazines or newspaper. Many happy clients have mentioned that their friends, acquaintances, and family members have expressed an interest in improving their health and fitness. In fact, I currently train 4 sets of family members (husband/wife, mother/daughter, etc). With this in mind, I came up with a new Referral Reward Program.

Here’s how it works: For every referral that you send me who purchases more than 12 sessions as a client, I’ll give you 20% off of your session purchases for the next 3 months.
Refer just 5 people you’ll get your next 3 months of training FREE!
I know that I don’t have to offer rewards for referring friends, but I think it’s important to show that I value you as a client and appreciate your referrals. If you are not currently training with me (gasp!), any referral that buys a package larger than 12 sessions will instead qualify for a $100 thank you gift card.

When you think about people that you might refer, keep these ideas in mind:
- People you work with or do business with
- Friends listed in your phone or email address book
- Neighbors
- People you know from your child/childrens' school
- Family members
- People who attend your religious activities

Hopefully, that will jog your memory a little. If you just spend a few minutes thinking about it, I’m sure you’ll come up with quite a few people you know who would like to experience all the benefits that you’ve experienced from working with me.
All you need to do is let me know of the people you think of who might be interested in finding out more about your results and my services and their contact information. I’ll contact them and offer them a free session gift certificate as a gift from you.

Thanks for your help and I look forward to rewarding you soon!

--Coach Kev

Corporate Fitness Results


What is it?

Corporate Fitness Results is a fitness initiative designed to increase a workplace’s sense of community and teamwork through health and fitness participation.

Who participates in this program?
Any business that has at least a 6 individuals looking to increase their fitness and decrease any risk factors they might have. Participation by employees is flexible and any attendance of workouts and nutrition strategies will be taped for participant convenience. Each workshop and program will be exclusive for employees only and for a previously agreed-to-discount.

Why participate in this program?
This program will serve on many levels to benefit your business.

  1. Your business will become an affiliate of mine. I will put your logo/website/etc on my website (when ready) for my network/client list.

  2. Your employees, when healthier and more fit, will have less sick days, more energy, less injuries, more confidence, and most of all, better teamwork among employees. The buzz created by a program of this magnitude starts small and builds as participation and success stories mount.

  3. This could also qualify for an insurance discount if it quantifiably lowers the health risks of employees. Big-box gyms qualify for low insurance rates because of the individuals they employ.

  4. This will help retain/attract employees as an employee benefit. You can offer this program free to higher performers/producers/managers or as a challenge, and make the ‘losers’ pay for the program while the ‘winners’ of the program get honored in a newsletter and/or by not paying for the program.

  5. Winners of the program (Top 3 employees that lose the most % Bodyfat) receive discounted services through Coach Kev for next 3 months

  6. All participants receive 5% discount on any future sessions or programs

  7. This could become more than a monthly program, and could continue to a weekly workout session (inside in winter/outdoors when weather allows) one time per week
  8. Your manager, supervisor or boss will think highly of this initiative, and I will tell them it was your idea.
  9. The lead referral will receive 50% off of their training package for the duration of the program

Where/when can we do this?
Conference rooms, meeting rooms, large dining rooms or areas with removable tables and chairs are ideal.

Don’t have a place to workout for 10-12 people? I can modify the program to bring in a nutritionist in my network and make the program more about fat loss through healthy eating, etc. Best times for these are weekend mornings but also staff meetings, etc. This can be a refreshing way to infuse energy and buzz at the office.

What’s the process like?

Typical outline of a 4 week program (note: programs can be longer):

  1. Week 1 (preferably a Monday or a Saturday) 90 minutes, before photos taken, nutrition and workout booklet distributed, introductory workout

  2. Week 2 (75 minutes), workout, nutrition lecture and Q and A

  3. Week 3 (75 minutes) Workout, mobility and flexibility circuit, nutrition and fitness Q and A, partner stretching

  4. Week 4 (90 minutes) Final workout! Metabolic and 'interval finisher', final measurements, after photos taken, discount packages offered, free sessions for top 3 ‘losers’, every participant receives complimentary 2 week cardio/weight routine


What about insurance?
Coach Kev is insured through his company on his premises, RIPT-V, but also as an independent contractor through the NSCA (certification committee)
What about payments?
Coach Kev has two different options, both of which are dependent on the number of participants in the program. In addition, the program can be modified for a more frequent (ie, 2x per week) participation program.

1) Lifestyle/diet modification/Biggest Loser Challenge: 4 week program. Includes Weeks 1-4 above but each session is 1 hour instead, and targeted mainly towards improving wellness and health through nutrition. My nutritionist would also attend and do assessments, etc
a. If 12 people attend, price is $62.50 per employee per 4 week program, or $15 per session.

2) Fitness and Nutrition Focus: 4 week program. Includes weeks 1-4 and totals 5 and a half hours of consultation and workouts. Nutritionist would attend, in addition to possibility of another trainer to help coach employees through movements, etc.
a. If 12 people attend, price is $104 per employee per 4 week program, or $26 per session

To hear more about pricing or to set up a Corportate Fitness Challenge at your company, please contact for more information.

--Coach Kev

January 2011 Workout Summary


3 runs/week (12/month)

4 lifts/week (16/month)

2 metabolic/week (8/month)


9 runs (3 short)

21 lifting workouts (5 extra)

4 metabolic workouts (4 short)

NOTE: Lift, run and metabolic workouts were sometimes performed in the same day. I did NOT perform 34 separate workouts this month.

DILEMMA: My heart and lungs are getting more efficient. My rate of calories burned (RCB) is declining each week due to increase HRV (Heart rate variability, or the ability to shuttle blood quickly from the heart to working muscles in the upper and lower body in order to keep the heart rate low).

SOLUTION: Increase the number of metabolic workouts (vary workout time) and use kettlebells and barbell 'finishers' to increase my rate of calories burned. Keeping this number above 10 calories per minute is crucial, and it lets me know that my workouts are intense enough to recover, but also dense enough, without much rest in between sets. This more effectively creates fat loss post-workout.

JANUARY SUMMARY: Overall, very happy with my upper back strength, endurance, and ultimately, growth. This will not make it easier to fit into medium size shirts, but will create a larger shadow for my girlfriend to hide in when she's had enough sun in the Dominican Republic. However, I am disappointed with my metabolic workouts, and have designed several kettlebell workouts specifically to accomplish more work in less time for February. My abs are not as defined as I would have liked them to be, but that will also be a goal of mine for February.


  • 1.5 runs/week (6/month)
  • 5 lifts/week (20/month)
  • 3 metabolic/week (12/month)
  • 3 ab workouts/week (12/month)
  • Focus on defining shoulders more with a specific, 12 week program starting Feb 8.
  • February 1st - 7th is a transition week during our trip to Dominican Republic.
  • Keep calories burned per minute above 10 during metabolic workouts

Keep you updated on my adjustment to my February program and more feedback from some new opportunities coming your way.

--Coach Kev

Monday, January 10, 2011

10-Pack of Nutrition and Fitness Facts

So much information, and so little time! Let's get to it...

1. The word cellulite first appeared in the April 15th, 1968 issue of Vogue magazine

2. Chlorine dioxide, one of the chemicals used to bleach flour, combines with residual protein in most of these foods to form alloxan. In the lab, researchers use alloxan to induce diabetes in rats. 'Enriched' or white anything, is dangerous, period.

3. There are 47,000 products in the average US grocery store. Only a handful of them will not make you fat.

4. 1/2 Cup of rice is around 300 calories; a 1/2 cup of spinach is 15 calories. This is an example of calorically-dense versus nutrient-dense. Aim for the latter.

5. Most dairy has a low-glycemic index (determines how a certain food affects blood sugar), but produces a high insulinemic response in the body (stores fat at higher rate as compared to other foods with similar glycemic index).

6. Red wine has the lowest residual sugars out of any alcoholic beverage (less than 1.4%). Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot are part of most low-carb diets because of this.

7. Spiking caloric intake once per week causes hormonal changes that improve fat-loss, and forces you to plan your meals and look 'forward' to these days of splurging.

8. Cottage cheese is an exception to the no-dairy rule for most diets because of its' high casein (a protein) content, which actually facilitates fat-loss.

9. A 2008 study at Duke University found that giving Splenda to rats significantly decreased the amount of helpful bacteria in the stomach.

10. Eating 1-2 tablespoons of organic almond butter on celery sticks eliminates those mornings where 8 hours of sleep doesn't seem like enough. By increasing cell-repair with quality calories, peanut or almond butter helps decrease fatigue upon waking.

Cheers to new information!

Coach Kev

Monday, January 3, 2011

A BRUTAL Home Leg Workout, Bodyweight only!

In the New Year, one of the challenges many people face is finding or creating time to workout.

However, using quick, intense workouts, before breakfast, lunch or dinnner has shown to have an impressive effect upon fat-burning and insulin levels.

In addition, having the no-excuses of not needing weights, equipment, and only yourself and a sturdy chair or bench makes it almost fool-proof to fit in this workout.

Try this Lower-Body workout; including warm up, should only take you about 15-20 minutes total.

The Warm up:

  • spidermans x 5e
  • kneeling hip flexor stretch a) forward, b) knee outside big toe, c) knee inside big toe x3 reps each
  • forward, lateral, and transverse (90 degrees) split squat warm up
  • supine (on your back) hip extensions
  • supine single leg hip extensions

The Workout


1a) Squat (without locking knees out at top) x 12

1b) Forward and Reverse Lunge x 5 each leg

1c) Squat (again, without locking knees out at top) x 8

No rest between 1a and 1c, but after 1c, rest 45 seconds, and repeat 1a-1c for 2 more rounds for beginners, and 3 more rounds for advanced trainees.

after completing part I, rest 90 seconds, and proceed to part II.


2a) Split squat (without locking knees out at top, consistent tempo throughout) x 12 each leg

2b) Forward step up (without straightening leg at top of movement) x 10e

2c) Split squat (same as 2a) x 8 each leg

No rest between 2a and 2c, but after 2c, rest 45 seconds and repeat 2a - 2c for 2 more rounds for beginners, and 3 more rounds for advanced trainees.

Cooldown stretch

  • Rectus femoris stretch x 30s each leg
  • kneeling hip flexor stretch x 30s each leg

That's all folks!

In total, this workout can be especially difficult for those who lift without focusing on the duration of the specific set for lower body. The first time I did this workout was anything but pleasing, and I was sure to feel it for a few days after.

Let me know what you think!

Coach Kev

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Why do diets fail?

Happy New Year!

While we all start off 2011 with various New Year's Resolutions, the #1 most common (lose 'X' amount of weight and look better) is also the most likely to fail. Why?

SIMPLE: It's confusing to get there! Studies show that the more confusing and rule-ridden the diet is, the higher the failure rate becomes.

Any diet you begin in 2011 with a full head of steam will likely recommend more of the following:
1) More greens
2) More healthy fats (nuts, fish, avocado, olive oil)
3) Less Saturated fat (meat, cheese)
4) Less simple sugars (candy, sweets, dessert)

And yet, after a few weeks of trying to accomplish 1-4, regardless of the diet plan, most people 'fall off', or get frustrated with the adjustments they have to make to their lifestyle.

It's not fun, it's not easy, and it's not FAIR!

But what if you changed your mindset, abandoned a 'diet', and adopted meal/food strategies and mindsets that can alter the way you look, feel and perform, forever? Wouldn't that be more fun, simpler, and most of all, SUCCESSFUL?

In the next few days, I will delve deeper into the world of SUCCESSFUL meal and food strategies that will change YOU, period.

In advancing health and aesthetics,

Coach Kev