In addition, most are aware of the rising cost of marketing and advertising, with today's new mediums expanding and becoming more lucrative for those being advertised with. However, the return on the investment for these campaigns are minimal at best, and it has routinely frustrated many a business owner.
That being said, what continues to be my most effective marketing and advertising is currently reading this blog post.
Yes, word-of-mouth has been, and will continue to be my best asset, and this one sentence should persuade your friends:
'I went from training in a 44,000 square foot facility including spa, kids club, group fitness, shop, juice bar, and every piece of cardio equipment known to man and woman-kind, to training with Coach Kev in a (literally) 130 square foot facility with only the necessary equipment, mindset and attention to detail that can be paid by an expert in his field.'
At 27, I will humbly proclaim that I have not had a job as a personal trainer, ever. Who I was, who I am, and who I will be, for years to come, is Coach Kev. However, I cannot be successful without your dedication to your own fitness and conditioning, in addition to your referrals.
Coach Kev’s Referral Reward Program
“Word of Mouth” marketing is still the best type of marketing. And frankly, I’d rather reward you for sending me new clients than spend all my money on radio, facebook, magazines or newspaper. Many happy clients have mentioned that their friends, acquaintances, and family members have expressed an interest in improving their health and fitness. In fact, I currently train 4 sets of family members (husband/wife, mother/daughter, etc). With this in mind, I came up with a new Referral Reward Program.
Here’s how it works: For every referral that you send me who purchases more than 12 sessions as a client, I’ll give you 20% off of your session purchases for the next 3 months.
Refer just 5 people you’ll get your next 3 months of training FREE!
I know that I don’t have to offer rewards for referring friends, but I think it’s important to show that I value you as a client and appreciate your referrals. If you are not currently training with me (gasp!), any referral that buys a package larger than 12 sessions will instead qualify for a $100 thank you gift card.
When you think about people that you might refer, keep these ideas in mind:
- People you work with or do business with
- Friends listed in your phone or email address book
- Neighbors
- People you know from your child/childrens' school
- Family members
- People who attend your religious activities
Hopefully, that will jog your memory a little. If you just spend a few minutes thinking about it, I’m sure you’ll come up with quite a few people you know who would like to experience all the benefits that you’ve experienced from working with me.
All you need to do is let me know of the people you think of who might be interested in finding out more about your results and my services and their contact information. I’ll contact them and offer them a free session gift certificate as a gift from you.
Thanks for your help and I look forward to rewarding you soon!
--Coach Kev