Monday, April 11, 2011

Keep it Simple Workout Plan Phase II

On any given day, the internet and the gym can be filled with complicated routines and exercise programs.  Some will quote Mel Siff, others Zatsiorsky, some Kraemer, and others  Whatever the origin, sometimes the amount of information can overwhelm even the keenest exercise science student.  As a result, program adherence turns into PADD, or Program Attention Deficit Disorder.  In other words, people get bored.  Quick. 

What to do!?

In the beginning of March, I happened upon the teachings and writing of a strength and conditioning coach, Dan John, in his book Never Let Go.  His term 'simplexity', or keeping things simple in a complex situation, has re-ignited my programming and long-term planning, and it was noticeable in my first KISS program (click HERE in case you missed it).  As such, I have devised Phase II of the KISS Workout Plan, with a couple noticeable changes:
  1. Phase I's workouts were 3x per week with a Total Body (TB) Split
  2. Phase II breaks it down further: 2 days devoted to upper body and 2 to lower body
  3. Workouts remain quick (30-45 minutes after warm-up) but focused on movement quality
  4. Rest intervals slightly longer, except during EDT or Density Training (minimal rest)
  5. 4 weeks long (as opposed to 3 weeks in phase I)
Before each workout:

5' Foam roll or Stick work
8-10' Dynamic Warmup and Movement Prep

If it's important, do it every day (Dan John)
1x8 Goblet squat
1x15 pushups
1x15 Overhead squat (no weight)
1x10 shoulder shrug chinups

Upper Workout A
1a) Core movement of choice
1b) Power movement (Pull) 3-5 sets of 3 reps (explosive)
       rest 45-60s after exercise pairing, but not between

2a) Vertical Push Strength
2b) Vertical Pull Strength
       rest 45s between and after each exercise

Density Circuit
3a) Horizontal Push
3b) Dynamic Core movement
15' time limit, as many sets of prescribed reps as possible (see below), minimal rest

Lower Workout A
1) Core movement of choice
rest 30-45s

2a) Power movement 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps
2b) Strength movement
      rest 45s between and after each exercise

Density Circuit
3a) Strength movement
3b) Single Leg Movement
15' time limit, as many sets of prescribed reps as possible (see below), minimal rest

Upper Workout B
1a) Core movement
1b) Power movement (Horizontal or Vertical Push)
rest 45s between and after each exercise

2a) Horizontal Pull Strength
2b) Horizontal Push Strength
rest 45s between and after each exercise

Density Circuit
3a) Horizontal Pull
3b) Dynamic Core movement
15' time limit, perform as many sets of prescribed reps as possible, minimal rest between sets

Lower Workout B
1a) Core movement of choice
1b) SA Power Movement 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps
rest 45s between and after each exercise

2a) Strength
2b) Strength SL
rest 45s between and after each exercise

Density Circuit
3a) Knee dominant movement
3b) Hip dominant movement
15' time limit, perform as many sets of prescribed reps as possible with minimal rest

Specific Weekly Variations for Sets and Reps
Strength exercises:
  • Week 1: 5x5
  • Week 2: 6x3
  • Week 3: 4x6
  • Week 4: 6x2
Density Circuits:

  • Week 1: 5 reps
  • Week 2: 3 reps
  • Week 3: 6 reps
  • Week 4: 2 reps
Sample Workout Plan

Upper 1
1a) Side plank top hand weighted 3x60s
1b) KB Rectilinear clean 4x3 reps

2a) SA Push Press KB 5x5
2b) Weighted Chinup 5x5

3a) High Incline DB Bench
3b) Standing Ab wheel

Lower 1
1) TGU 5x2

2a) Double KB Curvilinear Clean
2b) Snatch Grip Dead

3a) Swings
3b) Rear Foot Elevated (aka Bulgarian) Split Squat

Upper 2
1a) Sumo stance chop across 3 x 15e
1b) Plyo pushups 4x6 (push for height)

2a) Barbell Bentover Row
2b) Low incline DB Bench

3a) Prone DB Row on Incline bench
3b) Windmill

Lower 2
1a) TRX Bodysaw
1b) SA KB Snatch

2a) Zercher Squat
2b) Single Leg Romanian Dead Lift Single arm

3a) Goblet/KB Front Squat
3b) Band pull-thru

In summary: I'm sure I forgot a thing or two, but in the meantime, please let me know feedback on how this workout plan went.  I'm still revising and tweaking my own plan, so I can only imagine how this program may work for someone else. 

-Coach Kev

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