Monday, April 11, 2011

8 Things to do with a slideboard

So, you have a slideboard too?

Oh, you don't?  Well, everyone's doing it!

Okay, maybe not, but should they?  Very quickly, the slideboard has moved up many a trainer's list (including my own) of tools that used in each session, for one reason or another.  Years ago, it was used mainly in physical therapy as a 'sport-specific' rehabilitation protocol for soccer and hockey players.  Today, you can find a version of them in most commercial gyms. 

I have put together a quick list of exercises you can perform with a slideboard in your workout.  NOTE: Slideboard should be slippery; sometimes you need to apply spray (Ultraslideboard sends you a can, otherwise I've heard Windex works great).

Exercise List:

1) Reverse Lunges
2) Mountain Climbers
3) Pikes (bent knee, also known as jacknife)
4) Straight leg Pikes
5) Lateral Lunge
6) Fallouts (Both arms and single arm in same video clip)
7) Side-Side Strides for intervals

-Coach Kev

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