Today I'd like to highly recommend the Grizzly Bear Challenge, a similar barbell circuit, but in a different format.
Here's the circuit of exercises:
- Deadlift
- Romanian Deadlift (RDL)
- Bentover Row
- Clean
- Front Squat
- Push Press
- Back squat
- Good Morning
- Each exercise is performed for 5 reps, and 5 total sets are performed
- Limiting lift is still push press, so pick your weight based on how much you can safely overhead press, with perfect form, for 10 reps
- Circuit looks like this: 5 reps of Deadlift, 5 of RDL, bentover row, all the way to the Good morning
- Depending on your level of conditioning, rest for 60s after completing the circuit
- Track the following:
- weight used (also, a good idea is to use bumper plates)
- time taken to complete whole circuit
- time rested between sets
Polar Bear Challenge coming up next...
Coach Kev
Nice concept Kev.